Dads have a space they can go hide out from the kids, kick back, and enjoy their favorite sports or video games in peace. So, it’s only fair that moms get the same deal…right? Moms work hard around the clock. That means, the few minutes you do get to yourself, should be spent doing something that puts your mind at ease and reduces the stress. You need to create a safe haven away from the kids, hubby, and all other distractions where you can relax, unwind and recharge.
You Need a She Cave
Lots of women realize this and have started investing money in creating their very own she caves. It’s a place inside or directly outside of the home where she can retreat to after all her work is done. It can be a spare room, the basement, a finished attic, the garage, or a shed in the backyard, just as long as it provides enough space for you to entertain yourself. You can design the space however you’d like to make it comfortable, but adding this list of suggestions will give you a room you never want to come out of.
Comfy Seating
If you’re going to relax you’ll need someplace comfortable to do it, so start with the seating. Opt for something plushy yet stylish for the space. You might want your very own Lazy Boy recliner or you might prefer something like a futon or sectional couch with plenty of space and pillows.
If ever there’s going to be a place you can go and catch up on your favorite Lifetime movies or reality shows without interruption, it’s going to be your she cave. Your husband isn’t the only one who gets to enjoy their favorite television programs on a flat screen high definition tv. You can have one too.
Mini Bar
Sometimes a girl needs her favorite glass of wine or mixed drink to relax. Instead of having to retreat to the kitchen or dining room to get one, you should have your very own mini bar in your she caves. You can read your favorite wine blog to for inspiration on the best choices for your she cave. You should also stock up on a few supplies like drinking glasses, flavored mixes, and other alcoholic beverages you might enjoy. All you need is a mini fridge, a wine cabinet, and a few wall shelves to bring your mini bar to life.
Office or Work Station
Whether you’re a work from home mom or someone who enjoys creative hobbies like pottery or painting, having your own space to do it in is essential. Create an office space where you can work from without interruption or a workstation for creating crafts. An office would require a desk, chair, computer, printer, and filing cabinets for storage. For a workstation, you might invest in a large craft table and wall shelves for storage.
After you’ve added all these elements to your she cave, all that’s left to do is add a bit of personal style to the space. A little paint, wall decor, plant life, and other accessories will really make the place feel like you’re own. Now you can sit back, watch your favorite movie with a glass of wine, get some business done without distractions, or express yourself creatively in a space all to yourself.