
Everything You Should Know About Marijuana Addiction Treatments

While marijuana is perhaps not as harmful as other drugs and substances, in time, its frequent use can turn into an addiction. Marijuana addiction has dreadful effects on a person’s life and health. Yet how can you know that your recreational or medicinal use of marijuana is turning into an addiction? There are some signs, which indicate that your marijuana use is getting out of hand, and it is now time to get help.

Signs of marijuana addiction

These are many signs that can help to identify the presence of a marijuana addiction. Few of the common ones are following:

  • Strong cravings for marijuana
  • Spending too much time and money on marijuana
  • Using marijuana as a frequent stress reliever and means of enjoyment
  • Withdrawing from friends and family – social withdrawal
  • Spending more time with people who are addicted to marijuana or other drugs
  • Facing withdrawal symptoms and having a hard time going without the use of marijuana for a period of time
  • Low productivity at work or at school
  • Giving up activities and hobbies outside of the addiction
  • Using marijuana despite knowing that it is causing harm or having a negative effect on your life and health

What does a typical marijuana addiction treatment entail?

Marijuana addiction treatments generally are focused on behavioural and correctional therapy as it is considered a psychiatric disorder. The most promising behavioural therapies for marijuana addiction according to the National Institute for Drug Abuse are:

·        Contingency management

This approach is based on therapeutic management that entails frequent monitoring of the addict’s behaviour and the provision of positive or tangible rewards.

·        Cognitive-behavioural therapy

This is a type of psychotherapy, which teaches the addicts strategies and techniques to help them identify, deal with and correct their problematic behaviour. This approach helps patients to address a variety of issues both directly related and co-occurring with the addiction, in order to improve their self-control and break the addiction.

·        Motivational enhancement therapy

This is a form of intervention specifically designed to bring in a quick and self-motivated change by the addict. This form of therapy does not focus on conventional treatment options but rather aims to get the addict’s internal resources to work towards change. It motivates the patient to work towards breaking their addiction by willingly involving in treatment.

A patient’s condition also plays a vital role in determining the course of their treatment. In the more advanced form of addiction, only behavioural therapy is not enough. Thus, after a detailed evaluation and an initial discussion with the patient, the psychiatrist may prescribe the addict some medication along with the behavioural therapy. And if even this might not be enough then they might advise you to join rehab to speed the healing and help the patient break out of a long-term addiction.

It is necessary for an addict to receive proper marijuana addiction treatment, not only to break their addiction, but also to counter the negative impact the addiction has on their life.