
Follicular Unit Extraction for Women.

Unfortunately, hair loss affects about 40 percent of women. Multiple factors affect the natural hair growth cycle, especially in women, thus causing hair loss. Disease, infection, or medication are several factors that can prevent hair from achieving its normal growth cycle.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is one of the most predominant hairs transplant procedures customarily preferred by most women since it leaves minimal noticeable scarring. For this technique, single hair follicles are directly derived from the donor area, commonly at the back of the neck. These hairs are moved to the affected site using a special tiny surgical needle.

Reasons for getting a hair transplant.

  • It is a safe and easy procedure with no risks since it guarantees patients not to have painful and undetectable scars. This is possible through the special micro needle to transfer the graft units during the procedure.
  • Hair transplant surgery is the only medical way to reverse hair loss that does not cause adverse side effects.
  • Getting a hair transplant will result in permanent results because, unlike wigs, it will enable you to grow hair for as long as you wish. The permanent results are simply because the new hairs are rebellious to the hormones associated with balding.
  • A hair transplant can boost your self-esteem by restoring your lost hair.
  • It gives you a natural hair look by enabling you to regrow hair in the bald spots of your scalp, thus producing a natural hair look.

The great news about hair loss in women is that it is reversible with the help of a female hair transplant which assists you in attaining a lasting and safe way to healthy and dynamic hair. The baldness experienced in women differs from that of men. Even so, baldness in females can habitually be nursed with the same procedures and excellent results. Hormonal imbalances and nutritional factors often cause hair-thinning in some women. In evaluating these potential factors, blood tests are necessary. Baldness in females occurs in the following various patterns, namely;

  • Christmas tree pattern.
  • Steady pattern thinning at the back of the hairline all over the top of the head (Ludwig’s Pattern I, II, III).
  • Disperse alopecia (DA), in which the hair decreases across the whole scalp.
  • A gradual decrease in one of the male patterns, hardly beyond IV.

Women who have DA do not have sufficient hair to execute the remarkable restoration; thus, regrettably are not fitted for hair transplantation. Fortunately, many first and second-class females with hair loss are in treatable categories.

Advantages of FUE Procedure.

  • You can use hair from other body parts.
  • The surgical procedure is less painful afterward.
  • This procedure is achievable even with poor hair density.
  • FUE does not cause scarring.
  • The healing time is a lot faster compared to other transplant methods.


The FUE transplant procedure done in females is the same as that of males; generally, there is no difference. Different follicular (grafts) units are used during the hair transplant procedure. Individual hair follicles usually are situated across the hairline, while more hair graft units are set behind a follicular line. This procedure aims to achieve a more dense appearance and create undetectable transplanted hair. FUE method is so advanced, and as a result, it requires sufficient training.