
Have you ever stopped and thought about how much shampoo to use?

The funny thing about washing your hair is that nobody ever teaches you what’s the right amount of shampoo to use. At some point in our childhood, we were told to use a shampoo for our hair, we did the guesswork, and now believe that we know how much to use.

However, it’s important to take a moment and think about this, because every person has a unique head of hair and a different set of requirements. Most people end up using too much shampoo, as the common belief is that the more you use, the cleaner your hair gets. But that isn’t how it works.

How much shampoo to use?

Shampoos exist to clean your hair and scalp, while nourishing it. Obviously certain shampoos are designed with additional benefits, but the basic intention is to cleanse your head.

So, determining how much amount of shampoo should be used depends entirely on the type of hair and the length. There are different needs for long hair vs. for short hair. Different for fine hair vs. for thick hair. And how much shampoo to use men vs. women is also different.

Generally speaking, if you’re wondering how much shampoo to use for medium length hair, the average amount is about 10 ml or 2 teaspoons. This can vary and you might want to read the instructions given by the manufacturer. But there are certain factors that you need to consider and then decide accordingly:

  • Length of your hair – Longer hair requires more shampoo, shorter requires less.
  • Texture – Fine hair is easier to clean and needs less shampoo. Thick or curly hair needs more shampoo to reach the greasier roots.
  • Lifestyle – If you sweat more often and are in dirtier environments, you’ll require more shampoo.
  • Styling products – Regular use of styling products can build-up and you might need more shampoo to keep clean.
  • Frequency – If you don’t shampoo too often, you might have oilier and dirtier hair. This can increase the amount of shampoo required. Ideally, you should shampoo 2-3 times a week.

What is the correct way of shampooing?

Maybe you already know the ideal shampoo regime, but maybe you’re skipping some important step along the way.

  • Rinse – Let the water soak into your hair and ensure that your hair strands are drenched right to the roots. This can also break any surface dirt build-up.
  • Adequate amount of shampoo – Don’t pour it directly onto your hair and take an acceptable amount of shampoo in your hand.
  • Lather – Start from the back of your neck and move upwards, ensuring an even application of shampoo across your entire head. Use your fingers to ensure that it reaches every strand.
  • Don’t ignore the scalp – Massage the shampoo into your scalp to increase blood circulation and get rid of any oil/dirt build-up.
  • Time – You don’t need to leave it on your hair for too long. Lather for about 30 sec to a minute and then let it possibly soak for another minute.
  • Rinse again – Wash out every bit of the shampoo from your hair and scalp, ensuring that nothing is left behind. This is an important step, but people in a rush often leave behind some shampoo.
  • Conditioner – You can finish off with a conditioner, which can nourish your hair and lock in the moisture. Unless it’s a leave-in conditioner, rinse this out as well.

What happens if you use too much shampoo?

The tricky bit of using different types of shampoo is that some might not lather easily, causing you to use more shampoo than you require. Although most shampoos are safe to use, using too much can sometimes have unintended consequences.

  • Dry hair – Too much shampoo can dry out your hair and leave behind damaged strands. This can lead to split ends, frizzy hair and even hair breakage.
  • Damaged scalp – Excessive shampoo use can get rid of the natural, protective oils on your scalp, leaving it vulnerable to germs and pollutants.
  • Dandruff – This scalp ailment is caused by excessive oil and a naturally occurring fungus. Drying out your scalp due to excess shampoo can trigger your body into producing more oil as compensation. This can lead to an increase in dandruff.
  • Coloured hair – Using too much shampoo can cause your coloured hair to fade faster, as it can open up the cuticle of your hair strand.
  • Irritation – Sometimes excessive shampooing can cause reactions on your skin and lead to scalp irritation. Dirt and grime can make the problem worse.

This should answer your question on how much shampoo should I use. Shampoos were made to clean your head and leave you with soft, strong hair. Overdoing it can leave you with damaged hair and scalp, while under-using can leave you with dirty and greasy hair. Find the right amount to use and pick the shampoo that works for your particular requirements.

For example, if you need an anti-dandruff shampoo, you can try the Head and Shoulders Neem, which can remove the dandruff causing germs. Or you might want a shampoo that is combined with a conditioner like the Head and Shoulder 2 in 1 Smooth and Silky, which can help soften and restore dry hair. The good news is that you have access to a wide range of shampoos. All you need to do is choose the one that suits you, using the right amount to get thick and luscious hair.